Charlie Fox
Flowers of Romance
1st Edition, 2024
Climax Books
Climax Books is excited to release a new sickly sweet photo book from the mind of Charlie Fox, titled Flowers of Romance. Published to coincide with his two-part art show of the same at Lodovico Corsini in Brussels. Released in a limited edition of 800 copies.
“I’ve always been a romantic. I fancied the skunk from Bambi, I love Sade – as in Diamond Life, not Justine... I wanted to make a dissociative zone where all kinds of magical objects could flirt with each other and seduce you, like a fucked-up Disney version of the Garden of Eden, full of wild animals freaking out, weird music, hallucinogens weaved on the breeze. Dreamy and dangerous.” – Charlie Fox
Condition: New
300 pages, 16.5 × 23.5cm
ISBN: 9798893423624